在發表了4張專輯、1張EP與1張B-Side,同時也是在去年頗獲好評、卻在台灣仍鮮少人知的專輯《The Beautiful
Lie》後,Ed Harcourt在2007年也整理出一份精選輯,名為《Until
Tomorrow Then: The Best of Ed Harcourt》,初回版收錄了CD2未發表過的新歌16首,據說此版賣完就不會再出有CD2
的版本;而CD1 則有2首新歌:〈You Put A Spell On Me〉(光名字就很動聽對吧。這首在10/1已發行了同名單曲),以及曾收錄於《Here
Be Monsters》的〈Whistle Of A Distant Train〉另一版本。
Ed Harcourt - You Put A Spell On Me
再來聽聽《The Beautiful Lie》裡可愛的幽靈唱歌:
Ed Harcourt - Visit from the Dead Dog
(from "The Beautiful Lie")
接下來這支,Ed與恐怖的怪貓搏鬥,嗯...的確要是Apple of My Eye才有辦法養。(有看六人行的朋友們...記得有一集Rachel買了一隻會抓傷她的貓,是不是就長這樣啊?)
Ed Harcourt - Apple of My Eye
(from "Maplewood EP")
Ed Harcourt - She Fell Into My Arms
(from "Here Be Monsters")
《Until Tomorrow Then: The Best of Ed Harcourt》曲目
The best-of:
1. "Born In The '70s"
2. "She Fell Into My Arms"
3. "Black Dress"
4. "All Of Your Days Will Be Blessed"
5. "This One's For You"
6. "Apple Of My Eye" (Maplewood Version)
7. "Visit From The Dead Dog"
8. "Something In My Eye"
9. "Watching The Sun Come Up"
10. "Loneliness"
11. "Fireflies Take Flight"
12. "Shanghai"
13. "Shadowboxing"
14. "Whistle Of A Distant Train" (previously unreleased
version from "Here Be Monsters" sessions)