
心情突然煩悶的時候,可以來一首民謠歌曲。利物浦民謠才女Kathryn Williams對我來說有這樣的療效,自2004年的翻唱專輯《Relations》開始聽,翻Neil Young的〈Birds〉、The Velvet Underground 的〈Candy Says〉、Bee Gees的〈I Started A Joke〉,一首首透著Kathryn Williams對於經典歌曲的回憶(雖然多數我從未接觸)。然後倒回去2000年,聽她獲英國水星獎提名的《Little Black Numbers》,〈We Dug A Hole〉的心碎美好便直接深埋在心中洞穴,需要把自己隱藏起來的時候,就在那個洞穴裡取來聽。2002年《Old Low Light》曲畢,仍無法停下來不聽,於是就一直Repeat,在最心煩的時候。

We dug a hole
To keep everyone out of view

繼《Relations》後,Kathryn Williams結束與大廠華納的約,重回獨立廠牌CAW;也許是翻唱專輯招致部分壞評的緣故,雖然Kathryn Williams於2005、2006年分別發行了《Over Fly Over》、《Leave To Remain》,在年終榜還是鮮少見到她的影子。

現在聽到的也就是《Over Fly Over》的開場曲〈Three〉,輕盈民謠漸至搖滾,並與提琴協調搭配著,傷感呢喃著變質愛情:「How did love appear on my face like glasses?」。整張專輯聽完,可說完全能夠與她的經典《Little Black Numbers》媲美,每首歌都閃耀著晶瑩質感,愛不釋耳非常推薦。

Kathryn Williams / Three

How did love appear on my face like glasses?
You've seen my faults now I see them too
I'll believe in anything you say
As long as it's lasting I'll believe in you
A secret piece of you has broken off
And now it's on display, I can't get enough
Can't get enough of that secret piece of you

If only you could hear what I think

This woman told me, maybe you're good to be around
Cause some people latch on, and you have to learn how to pull them off
And you just turn round and they're crawling back to get back on

Oh I wish I could make you hear what I think

As long as you get access to a closed door

PS. 只可惜,新的這兩張要買只能上國外買,而且價格有點高。

圖片來源:Kathryn Williams官方網站

    創作者 elv51 的頭像


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